Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis)

Northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis)- Ask an ornithologist what is the best tree to plant to support birds in my yard and Norther White-cedar will be at the top of their list. White cedar provides essential protection from the elements for migrating and roosting birds and it produces regular seed crops for food. White-cedar makes a beautiful living fence, hedge and windbreak and thrives in open and sunny locations and on a wide variety of soils. The foliage is soft, and pleasing to the touch and it is very fragrant.

“Tree of Life” is a name given to White cedar by many indigenous communities. The French explorer Cartier learned from the first nations, how to use the tree’s foliage to treat scurvy. Northern White-cedar was the first of many Canadian tree species introduced to Britain and is widely used throughout Europe. When you plant Northern White-cedar you are planting maintenance-free “forever trees” with a life expectancy beyond 1000 years.

In the past I have produced cloned cedar varieties and strongly advise against using any of these cultivars including Emerald cedar which, like most cloned cedar selections, are deserving of the trash heap because they are short-lived with weak root systems, reduce ecosystem diversity and lack flower and seed production. Instead insist on getting Northern White-cedar propagated from seed. The recommended spacing between trees planted for a single-row hedge is 1.5 metres (5 feet).

Northern white-cedar

White cedar (Thuja occidentalis)
visit the nursery, phone, text or email 226-237-9123